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Heaven on Earth


Trusting God is a lifelong journey.

Don't travel alone.

Find stability with us and

bring spiritual practice into everyday practical life.

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and join us

Get To Know Us

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Get to know us and join us. We are an open community, especially for women, that combines the best of Christianity with the working ideas of the spiritual world that enable spiritual growth. Because God and Spirituality know no boxes. God is not the same as what religion teaches.


Community and community living (families, churches, cohousing/coliving) is and will be much more key, but it requires us to be willing to work on ourselves. Experience the connection of spiritual training, energy work and mindset change.


Learn to have a partnership with God instead of a helpless supplicant waiting for God's mercy. Thanks to this, stabilize your daily practical life, build kinder relationships and create a better world for yourself and your loved ones.


What We Have For You

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Would you like to know what we prepare for you?

We are an open community that focuses on the following areas of life:

  • personal and spiritual growth of women

  • building healthy families and communities

  • creating cohousing projects


If this is something that interests you more closely,

subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss anything.

It can be your story too...

Our Experiences


Book a Session

Are you interested in your spiritual growth and looking for a way "home"? Home to yourself and to God?

Or are you planning to create your own community or even a cohousing project?


We can meet and talk about how I can help you with your intentions.

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